I thought these guys wouldn't come back to me after the initial consultation.
I thought these guys wouldn't come back to me after the initial consultation. But they did, three weeks later.

"Anastasia, we've been thinking - we really want to work with you after all. Are you really insisting on your research? Maybe we could do without it?"
The research is paid and costs 650 euros, so he asked about it.
"Yes, we insist. It's non-negotiable. It's like asking us to make you a car without seat belts and airbags. We wouldn't agree to it."
No, seriously. I want to ask you. Why isn't it obvious that buying a property for half a million euros, most of which is borrowed money, should start with research?
So you're an expat, you've been in the Netherlands for a couple of years. You've learned how to save on heating. You know which stores have discounts and when. You only buy clothes during sales.
But then, when buying a house, you're asking other expats on Reddit? Just went on Reddit, asked - guys, is this a good neighborhood? - And that's it???
That's gambling, of course. How, with this approach to buying, will you make an informed bid? Think about it: 10% of 500,000 is fifty thousand! If you make a bid too high out of ignorance, you'll lose fifty thousand. While saving 650 euros on the research. Or 3880 euros on our full service package. But those are just money. There are more important things. Like, for instance, a school for your beloved child. Social life and networking. Safety. Quiet, to work from home.
So, friends, let me put it this way. Don't come to us if you drive without buckling up and love to gamble in casinos. You're definitely not our client.
P.S. That client from the beginning of my post? Yes, they stayed with us. We've booked them for early March.
Tags: Amsterdam, property investment, property prices, propertynetherlands, real estate, real estate agents